In Dialogue 2. Fire and Ice
13 – 16 May | Opening Event Thursday 12 May, 6 - 8pm
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (1912 - 2004) Drawings
Colin Reid (b. 1953) Glass sculpture
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Lava, Lanzarote Series 1992 pencil on paper 49.3 x 60.6cm
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham used vivid graphic drawing throughout her career to explore the rhythms and energy of the natural world. From visiting the Upper Grindewald glacier in the 1940s to regular stays on the volcanic island of Lanzarote in the 1990s, the artist sought to reveal in pencil, ink, and gouache an equivalence to the power of fire and ice in creating form. Reflecting on visiting the glacier she wrote: ‘it seemed to breathe……this likeness to glass and transparency, combined with solid, rough ridges made me wish to combine in a work all angles…a total experience.’
Colin Reid R508 1992 Cast Glass and Basalt Sculpture 52 x 51cm
Colin Reid is internationally recognised as a master of the art of glass as a sculptural medium. Working from his Gloucestershire studio since 1981, his cast forms make full use of the light-shifting qualities of glass which, like ice, reveal something of the changing state of matter through heat and cold. In the 1990s, Reid was invited to a residency in New Zealand which resulted in a body of work which combined basalt and glass. ‘Auckland is completely littered with scoriae and basalt’ he remembers ‘which reminds us of rock in its molten state…. a state in immediate relationship to the process of glass production as I integrate into my work.’
Please join us on Thursday 12th May between 6 - 8pm for the opening of In Dialogue 2. Fire and Ice
Exhibition opening times:
Friday: 12 - 7pm
Saturday and Sunday: 11am - 5pm
Monday: by appointment