Summer Exhibition
15th June - 7th July
A mixed exhibition to celebrate some of our long-standing gallery artists, including new works by Rosemary Cullum and David Emond, as well as recent fenland works from Kittie Jones’ artist residency.
Original prints will once again feature in the form of nature prints by Rebecca Jewell, etchings by Norman Ackroyd and Roger Law, and screenprints from our recent exhibition ‘A Gathering of Friends: Prints from Kip Gresham Editions’, including works by Hurvin Anderson, Willard Boepple, Stephen Chambers, Nigel Hall and Soheila Sokhanvari, alongside paintings and drawings from exciting emerging artists Otis Blease, Euan Evans, Felix Higham, Agnes Treherne and Olly Williamson, and glass vases designed by Kathryn M Holford.
All works are for sale and purchase enquiries can be made by contacting info@fendittongallery.com
UK and international shipping will be calculated upon enquiry
Kittie Jones
- All
- Norman Ackroyd RA
- Hurvin Anderson
- Otis Blease
- Willard Boepple
- Kate Boucher
- Stephen Chambers RA
- Rosemary Cullum
- Alan Davie
- David Emond
- Euan Evans
- Felix Higham
- Kathryn M Holford
- Rebecca Jewell
- Gillies Jones
- Kittie Jones
- Roger Law
- Mali Morris RA
- Soheila Sokhanvari
- Jo Taylor
- Agnes Treherne
- Olly Williamson