David Emond: Light, Colour, Pattern
2nd – 17th September 2023
Fen Ditton Gallery are delighted to work with Cambridge artist David Emond to present a new perspective on a lifetime of creating. Light, Colour, Pattern brings together a collection of David’s drawings, painting and installations spanning the last 45 years. His output ranges from mathematical and architectural concepts to the patterns of the natural world; David is inspired to respond to these rhythmic motifs that surround us.
David, who has been a member of the architectural community in the city for the last thirty years, has created all his life. The way he travels and views the world is through drawing and painting; capturing a fleeting moment wherever he goes. When describing a recent painting of Speke Mill, Devon, David comments; “The painting is about light, colour, and pattern. The complexity of the layers of abstraction, colour and pattern, merge with the sense of place, allowing the viewer to recognise the abstract beauty of the line of wet pebbles and the Jackson Pollock like turmoil of the foaming sea behind the breaking waves.” Hannah recently recorded an interview with David for the gallery podcast, which can be heard here.
The exhibition is open weekends 10am – 6pm, and weekdays by appointment: contact Hannah on info@fendittongallery.com to book.